A Letter to His Brothers


With the life suspended between a [telegiornale] and the other, turn in my laboratory, incapable of working. I look for the few honest voices, that remember the first in the concert of the execrations "not for excuse, but for explain the after," and I collect the clippings of these rare relatives of the thought, thin album of family. I have renounced the word from years, but my silence is more and more crowded from belongingses not said. In the certainty that nobody will give me listens to, the urgency of write to all. Brothers of West. The swasticas restart to dirty your walls. Before speak, clean them. Yankees brothers. That of David is not a star of the American flag. Israel is only one crumb of the big pizza bread [mediorientale]. What do you wait to put you to table with the Russians? More the withered time more the crumb hardens, he/she/it/you To anybody will finish for stay in throat. Russian brothers. Never states so discreet like from when they there have given the word. Too from behavior between Armeni and Afghani or desire of [apparireneutrali] in sight of the hypothesized international [conferentza]? You would have a more effective strategy than the silence, lets go out your Hebrews; Israel will recognize you moral titles for propose the Middle East a peace that [soddisfi] also you. Brothers of the left. Your sensibility to the [calvario palestinese] has sublime accents, and unhealthy roots. Intrisi of a Christianity that you believe have evacuated, too much I/they of you am still convinced that the vocation of the Hebrews is of live the exclusively history [altrui]. You despite the holocaust continue to doubt the need to a Jewish State. Yeast for centuries of your cultures, our wish of become again bread you you/he/she/it seem unnatural. Then I ask: after how old the slave does he/she/it/you lose the law to the liberty and the exile to the country? Is Duemila perhaps too much? Do we have fallen in prescription? And still: [perchè] is a people legitimate inhabitant of an earth does he/she/it/you need that do I/you/he/she/it have conquered it with the sword, the plow, the time, the money or an international vote? You choose: [lsraele] has stayed craved in the time ( "next year to Jerusalem, prayer [bimillenaria] of Easter), repurchased with the money ([bossoli] of the KKL), reclaim with the plow (Kibbutz), defended with the sword (4 wars in 40 years), and voted from the U.N. (29 November 1947. 33 votes in favor, 13 contrary and 10 abstentions). If today Sansone gives beating to the blind he/she/it/you is also guilt of your complaisance in the comparisons of the Philistines (Palestina derives from Falastin, Philistine). Christian brothers. Your Savior has born from the womb of an of your women. The [antisemitismo], in the womb of your church. There is not visit of Pope in Synagogue that I/you/he/she/it could make us it to forget. Recognize the State from Israel, Holiness, and the judgments of his flock will start to have an any value for us. Moslem brothers, children as we of Abramo. Israel is a defective born Country from a necessary dream. If you could not accept it he/she/it/you is because you run after an opposite dream: that of the Arabic unity.

Nato from the remembers your past shines, it was your cement in the centuries of the colonial humiliation. With the end of this, he/she/it/you has collapsed. The "Arabic World" he/she/it/you doesn't exist. They exist only of the Arabic Countries, from the incompatible regimes, more or less tied up from a same faith, and from a same bad faith in the comparisons d7sraele. Your purpose has not ever stayed that of give a country to the Palestinesi, but of prevent the Hebrews of [averne] a. Since we were in your history what the women were in your families- subjects of [second'ordine], without law of word- our desire of emancipation has also seemed to you scandalous, against nature. Incapable of expel Israel from yours geographical body has expelled the Hebrews from your social body. You have forced you to the escape. As making has confirmed the vocation to the shelter from Israel; you have [incrementato] the strengths of your enemy; you there are private of one of the matters more [trainanti] than the Arabic propaganda: Israel Western splinter. Today the population Israeli has constituted for two [terzi] from fugitive of the Arabic Countries, or like he/she/it/you tells your Hassan Majesty The from Marocco, from Arabs of Jewish religion. The Palestinesi has stayed yours you/he/she/it complete weapon. You have loaded you like a bomb to clockmaking: with "[timer]" [generazionale]. Become also she too difficult from handle, you have abandoned it on the ground. Today he/she/it/you explodes to chain, [ovunque]. Palestinesi brothers. The fields in which you have born are work of a precise Arabic wish. The terrorists actions of those that one [ergono] to your [paladini] doesn't do that delay your liberation. More convenient E' discuss ììe7nico sincere with a that [prestar] faith to [leaders] of tried falsehood. Today you are only before in Israel. You look at this execrated adversary well. Not if he/she/it/you will never go any. For two reasons:

Israel is the only Country to the world where Jewish dirt means a Hebrew that doesn't wash. E' I'unico whose invaders, when they dig the ground of the busy earth, they find again the graves of their ancestors. E' besides the unique of this part of the globe in which he/she/it/you could dedicate, express freely, and for absurdity that could seem. it is the solo where you have still any friend. Does too much E' delay for call them in help? I hope of no. I beg of no. God, to which I don't believe, to which I believe, to which I do so much labors to believe, if he/she/it/you is true that you a day stopped the sun, service for an instant the [moviola] of the centuries. You/he/she/it freeze [mezz'aria] stones, pellets and batons. The men have perhaps still something from telling, and I two words to tell the my.

You/he/she/it listen to, Israel. The Eternity your God is One, and his children are all the children of the planet. According to me there is a misprint in the Bible: you are not the chosen people but the people elector. You have elected God to President of your history for the eternity, and If you are Know days [allorché] so much civilization I/they have disappeared, and because you have stayed faithful to his Laws. He orders them to defend you but also of love. Amare' engage the responsibility of the next. Yours next he/she/it/you is there in front of you. He/she/it/you has demolished your image to the eyes of the world, stolen your friends, killed your children, and he/she/it/you has used the his like bait you/he/she/it Look at clear, Israel! He/she/it/you happens for the people like for the children. Any devotes itself a life violent for lack of vigilant parents to their necessity. Before you, Israel, the Palestinesi like Nation didn't exist. I/they have born from the have you seen bear, I/they have grown to the shade of your victories, and if they today shout that they want all, also Tel Aviv and Haifa, he/she/it/you is more for desperation that for conviction: they don't have more nothing. I know it, they would have been able to [tenersela pravvissuto] up to ours to your destruction. I know it, the that part of earth [assegnatagli] from the U.N. in the '47. But whoever mistake the calculuses in the the history it could not be [penalizzato] for ever. I know it, there is not with who speak. All the moderate Palestinesi is more or less [succubi] of the OLP, and the OLP foresees still, in his statute, the liquidation of the State from Israel. I know it, he/she/it/you doesn't exist in all the diplomacy the case of a sovereign disposed State to take care of with who one [prèfzgge] The S husks you he/she/it/you asks the impossible: find, to risk of your survival, a solution that knolls on the ethic that you have taught to the world and that he each day, [ovunque], infringes. The world that of you has not had pity, claims pity from you for who he/she/it/you of you didn't have some and tomorrow, probably not he/she/it/you will have some. Try us the same. We have accustomed to the miracles. And the miracles today are those of the men that they with an unexpected gesture collapse the course of the history. You extend the hand, Israel, also if there is not nobody to tighten it, and you take the world to witness of this tense hand. Finally he/she/it/you will be known who you are: not a Western splinter planted in the heart of the Arabic World, but the point of diamond of the Middle East in the world.

Shalom, Salam.

Herbert Pagani


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